
Committed to strengthening the transition towards a circular economy.

The European biofuels market was born out of the need to reduce GHG emissions in the road transport sector. To support this shift, the European Commission introduced the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) (2009/28/EC) establishing an overall policy for the production and promotion of energy from renewable sources in the EU.

The importance of biodiesel was quickly recognized by the EU and the revised REDII (2018/2001/EU) entered into force, aimed at keeping the EU a global leader in renewables and helping the EU to meet its emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement.

In this section you will be able to read more on legislative documents that formed the waste biofuels market as well as reports or position papers prepared by EWABA or other industry stakeholders.

The European biofuels market was born out of the need to reduce GHG emissions in the road transport sector

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EWABA brochure on Regulatory Brief - July 2023


EWABA Annual Report 2023 - Public version


EWABA Press Release on CO2 Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles - 8 February 2024


Vehicle life cycle GHG emissions study to show the role of renewable fuels in meeting net zero


EWABA Press release on Annex IX revision - 15 March 2024


Turin Joint Statement on Sustainable Biofuels - April 2024


Press Release - European shipowners and fuel producers join forces and launch Clean Maritime Fuels Platform - September 2024


EWABA members - Waste-based & advanced biodiesel production in 2023


EWABA letter on urgent action to stop imports of potentially dubious Chinese biodiesel


EWABA brochure on Heavy Duty Vehicles - April 2023


European Net Zero Alliance brochure - August 2024


EWABA letter to ISCC on certification practices - July 2023


EWABA MVaK study by SGU Options for the deployment of UCO - February 2021


Waste-based & advanced biodiesel plants in the EU: July 2023


Waste-based & advanced biodiesel plants in the EWABA network: April 2024


Joint letter of the EU industry: European Energy Taxation should reflect the climate impact of energy carriers - November 2022


Joint Statement of ECSA, EWABA, eFuel Alliance, the Advanced Biofuels Coalition and GoodFuels on FuelEU Maritime - 01 June 2022


EWABA Press release on the EU Council's General Approach on the ReFuelEU aviation proposal - 2 June 2022


REDIII - EWABA Press Release on EP first reading position - 14 September 2022


Joint Letter to European Policymakers on CO2 Standards for Cars and Vans - 20 September 2022


EWABA Position Paper on Trilogue fit-for-55 - 22 September 2022


Joint letter on EU ETS - Industry calls for earmarking of ETS revenues in final negotiating round - 21 November 2022


EWABA Annual Report 2022 - Public version


Joint industry statement: Inclusion of renewable fuels in CO₂ Regulation for Heavy-Duty Vehicles - February 2023


EWABA Press Release on FuelEU Maritime Regulation 2023 - 23 March 2023


EWABA Press Release on REDIII political deal - 30 March 2023


EWABA Press Release on European B+ Manifesto - 28 April 2023


Joint letter calling for the earmarking of the EU ETS revenues to the European maritime sector to foster its decarbonisation - 29 Sep 2022


Open letter to MEPs and Member States’ representatives on the need for technology openness to achieve CO2 emissions reduction from vehicles - May 2022


Joint call for action on Fit for 55 package from the Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform July 2021


Press Release - Fit for 55 must champion sector integration - European Net Zero Alliance July 2021


Press Release - Fit for 55 Package: further fine-tuning on legislative proposal required to avoid climate and economic damage - 14 July 2021


Zemo Partnership - Market opportunities to decarbonise HDVs using HBRF March 2021


Joint-Statement A Taxonomy Delivering Sustainable Growth in Europe March 2020


Press Release - Launch of CO2 neutral fuel methodology monitoring Working Group - September 2023


EWABA Press Release on Union Database Pilot - 3 October 2023


Joint Letter to European Policymakers on Energy Taxation Directive - 30 October 2023


EWABA Press release on IA for revised cert scheme standards 14 March 22


EWABA letter on EU energetic independency 16 March 2022


EWABA Annual Report 2021


EWABA report by EUFEX - Comparison of UCO-based fuel emission values for the road and aviation sectors and quantify displacement effects - January 2022


EWABA Position Paper on the revision of REDII - November 2021


EWABA Position Paper on the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal - November 2021


Joint-Statement The Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform, towards Transport Fuels’ Transformation May 2021


Joint-Statement on the Fit for 55 package - The Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform, July 2021


Open Letter on the Future of the Vehicle CO2 Standard July 2021 - Achieving Climate-Neutrality in Road Transport through the Contribution of Renewable Sustainable Fuels


UCO Availability - NBAA & EWABA document - March 2022


Joint-Statement on upcoming revision of EU CO2 Standards for Cars & Vans - June 2021


Approval list of engine and commercial vehicle manufacturers for operation with biodiesel (B10 | B20 | B30 | B100) - January 2022


Bioledger Blockchain Database for Sustainable Biofuels a Case Study March 2021


WASTED project - Europe's untapped resource - an assessment of advanced biofuels from wastes & residues


Directive (2018-2001-EU) of the European parliament and of the council: use of energy from renewable sources


Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive 2014 94 EU


What is a waste-derived biofuel?

Biofuel is a biomass-based fuel rather than a fossil-based one. Unlike conventional biofuels produced from food crops grown on arable land, second-generation waste biofuels are primarily produced from waste oils, animal fats, agricultural residues and other wastes and residues. Waste biofuels offer a lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction of up to 90% compared with petroleum diesel. 

How is waste biodiesel produced and where is it used?

The waste biodiesel supply chain is a long one but not particularly complex. Used cooking oils (UCOs) and animal fats (tallow) are collected from restaurants, food factories, slaughterhouses, and households. Following collection, these are all processed and cleaned in special processing units to remove impurities and water. Filtered waste oils are then fed into biodiesel plants to produce waste-based and advanced biodiesel, depending on the feedstock used. The final renewable waste fuel can be used in passenger vehicles, heavy duty vehicles (trucks, buses, etc.) and vessels.

By-products deriving from the biodiesel production such as fertilizer is sold to the farming industry, while glycerine is largely used in biogas plants for the generation of electricity or on the oleochemicals sector.

How is waste-based biodiesel better than normal diesel?

Waste-derived biodiesel reduces overall environmental pollution by lowering GHG emissions and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. It prevents used cooking oil, animal fats and other waste oils from polluting the environment by taking up space in landfills, and clogging drains that increases the costs of maintaining drainage & water treatment networks.

Finally, Waste and advanced biodiesel enhances the performance of an engine as it contains higher cetane than petroleum diesel and provides added lubricity to your engine.

Why should I recycle UCO?

Used cooking oils (UCO) and fats are the ideal feedstock to refine into biodiesel. And, because they cannot be recycled into either the human or the animal food supply chains, due to the food safety risks they pose, this is by far the most sustainable way to dispose of them.

The disposal of UCO and waste fat oils are a growing concern, especially in urban areas, as they often cause blockages in the sewer systems. Water companies end up spending millions each year to clean blocked sewage systems and these costs could be reflected in household bills that affect all of us. These costs could be significantly lower if UCO were properly disposed of and recycled for other uses. Further it is estimated that one litre of UCO can contaminate up to one million litres of water, adding a large cost to an already diminishing resource like water.

How can you recycle used cooking oil (UCO) at home?

The used cooking oils you have at home can be used and valued in the production of waste biofuels. Pouring them directly into the sink not only pollutes and damages wastewater treatment systems, but also represents a waste of raw material with the potential to be reused.

UCO recycling from the HORECA sector, e.g. restaurants, hotels, etc., is already well developed in most EU Member States, but household collection systems are only in early development stages.

A few countries, notably Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK, have managed to introduce successful nationwide collection systems and others like Sweden, Italy and Portugal have set up successful regional collection systems.

To recycle your oil, you can contact your municipality to find out if there is a waste oil collection system in place, and if not, you can reach out to recycling companies operating in your area.

What is the role of waste and advanced biodiesel under the RED II?

The revised Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) contains the Annex IX which lists the feedstocks that are incentivized for the purposes of the EU’s transport emission reduction targets. Waste and advanced biofuels are made from materials listed in Part A and Part B of the Annex IX.

The majority of waste biodiesel currently produced in the EU comes from part B feedstocks, i.e. used cooking oil and animal fats and it is subject to a cap at 1.7% of transport energy. Advanced biofuels produced from Annex IX Part A feedstocks have a specific sub-target starting at 0.2% in 2022, at least 1% in 2025, and increasing to at least 3.5% in 2030.

The Annex IX feedstock list will be reviewed every two years with a view to add new materials and expand the feedstocks incentivized to produce sustainable biofuels under REDII.

What does double counting mean?

All biofuels produced from the Annex IX list (both parts) can count twice their energy content towards the transport renewable targets under an incentive called double counting. Multipliers are seen as a tool to strengthen support to alternative fuels that are not food and feed-based biofuels, with a view of bringing new fuel technologies to the market.

What is the Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) effect?

The Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) directive came into effect in 2015 in response to concerns that emissions associated with indirect changes in land-use were not included in the original Renewable Energy Directive when introduced in 2009.

The main message behind ILUC is that in the case that biofuels production is realized through the use of additional land, its conversion could lead to substantial GHG emissions being released if high carbon stock areas such as forests are affected as a result.

In June 2018, the EU decided that so-called ‘high ILUC risk’ biofuels should no longer be counted towards its 2030 renewable energy target. The maximum share of these biofuels will be frozen until 2023, based on their 2019 levels and then progressively phased out of the renewable targets.

What is a circular economy and why is it important?

A circular economy is based on a model that operates in an (almost) closed loop where products and the materials they contain are highly valued and can be reused.

The circular economy breaks the cycle of the traditional linear economic of production-consumption-throw away phases. This means that circularity is based on sharing, reusing, repairing, recycling and recovering. In practice, it implies reducing waste to a minimum and allowing to produce products with added value for the economy and the environment. When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible.

Our industry produces waste-derived biodiesel from wastes and residues that would otherwise end up in landfill or sewages. The biodiesel produced achieves high GHG emissions savings and generates by-products that supply the biogas, electricity and fertilizers sectors, minimizing any further waste from the production process.